“Mass Baptism Event in Papua New Guinea Sees Over 300,000 Embrace Seventh-Day Adventist Faith”

Thousands Experience Mass Baptism in Papua New Guinea’s Seventh-Day Adventist Event

Papua New Guinea recently witnessed a remarkable event as over 300,000 individuals were baptized by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in what has been described as a profound spiritual gathering.

The event, concluded last week, saw an unprecedented turnout of participants, with the South Pacific Division, Papua New Guinea Union Mission (PNGUM), General Conference, and Adventist World Radio collaborating to organize the program. Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-Day Adventist world church, ministered during the event, underscoring its significance.

In a statement on Facebook dated May 19, Wilson shared the staggering numbers of baptisms, initially reporting 278,369 individuals baptized with more expected as data from additional sites continues to come in. Reflecting on the magnitude of the event, Wilson emphasized, “This is a miracle of God! Many more will be reported.”

The baptisms were accompanied by reports of profound spiritual experiences across Papua New Guinea, including instances of drug lords forsaking their illegal activities to embrace Christianity, prisoners responding to calls for faith, entire villages embracing the Adventist faith, miraculous healings, and locals grasping the gospel in their native languages.

Reflecting on the impact, Pastor Miller Kuso, personal ministry director for PNGUM, expressed gratitude to the international speakers and volunteers who helped deliver messages of hope and salvation across the nation.

The event has been heralded as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Papua New Guinea.

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