A British army veteran has been found guilty of silently praying near an abortion clinic in England.
Adam Smith-Connor, a 51-year-old physiotherapist and father of two, was convicted of breaking a Public Spaces Protection Order by praying silently near an abortion clinic in Bournemouth.The incident happened in November 2022 in a “buffer zone” around the clinic. These zones are meant to stop pro-life activists from approaching women seeking abortions.
Some politicians are also concerned. Sir Edward Leigh, a senior member of parliament, said, “It is disgraceful that in Britain in 2024 someone can be put on trial for praying silently in his head.”Former MP Miriam Cates added, “This isn’t ‘1984,’ but 2024. Nobody should be on trial for the mere thoughts they hold in their mind.”This case is part of a bigger issue about buffer zones around abortion clinics in the UK. Right now, five local councils have these zones.
The new Labour government plans to create these zones across the country starting October 31. These rules aim to stop people from trying to change a woman’s mind about getting an abortion.Smith-Connor’s background makes this story even more interesting. He served in the Army Reserves for 20 years, including time in Afghanistan. He said, “I served…to protect the fundamental freedoms that this country is built upon. I continue that spirit of service as a healthcare professional and church volunteer. It troubles me greatly to see our freedoms eroded to the extent that thought-crimes are now being prosecuted in the U.K.”